
4 Secrets to a making your Destination Wedding a Success

Tips & Inspo


You’re essentially hosting all of your family & friends at home. That’s no small feat and please, dear God do not underestimate what kind of energy that takes! You’ll need to get yourself a little team of helpers – from the moment your guests touch down to the minute those airplane doors close as they return home…you are the ultimate hosts with the most!

Obviously we’d include an image of the SW Team!
Wedding Planning Team


Get you some “together time”. Build in time for you and your partner to get some peace and quiet, have a cuddle, hold hands, sit in silence or just rest in each other’s company. You don’t need to say words if you don’t want to. Just soak it all up and re-charge.

Wedding Couple Holding Hands


People forget how to holiday. That’s no joke. Do not be surprised when your guests ask you questions that you’d expect them to handle on their own. Try to anticipate this and prepare a little something for them – either in print or better yet, something digital they receive before they arrive with the key info and some FAQs.

Welcome Bag Wedding Favours


If your timings slip, there comes a point where you should just go with the flow. Always remember, your guests are on holiday mode. BUT and it’s a big one…build in extra time absolutely anywhere you can to buffer your timetable and stick to a few key timing points – your suppliers will only wait so long. Whatever you do, just find your zen and keep moving!

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